The Cult Of India, And Their Lies


Posted: Sep 22, 2023   4:46:00 PM   | by Pascal-Denis Lussier

Because Human Rights Abusers Are Always Trustworthy

Picture: AP (Modern India, Aug 2023; great deal for handyman business investors)

Linked: India's Hatred of Sikhs on Display 
            India Credibly Linked to Canadian Assassination

India now warns Indians of hate crimes targeting them in Canada.


LOL. So pathetic.

Arya now lies, too

New Delhi continues to reach new lows. Clearly. In all my life, I've never seen such a childish government before, nor did I think it were possible if a bona fide democracy with intelligent voters; I trust that Indian voters are smart, so the problem must be with the "democracy" part.

We're so hateful of Indians that we've dedicated a whole month to them, yearly. And to launch Canada’s national Hindu Heritage Month, we raised YOUR flag with the Hindu sacred symbol Aum on Parliament Hill; it replaced our Canadian flag for a bit.

No fights, protests, or hate of any kind was witnessed; just proud people truly happy to share this moment with proud Indians.

Other than slowly push all non-Hindus out of India and constantly brag about itself as it continually bullies foreign governments to give special treatment to Hindus, what has the Modi government done to show appreciation for another nation that wasn't about India's own trade, navel, or shameless self-promotion?

By the way, unfortunately for you, New Delhi, your game is all so very too obvious and it will backfire on you, as people are fed up with these types of manipulations and lies, more so when it involves false accusations of 'racism', which is what this essentially boils down to.

Certain issues should never be weaponized. Never, ever. Only scum sink to that level.

Anyhow, between you and I, New Delhi, the ones with a bad rep for hatemongering, hate crimes, religious intolerance, kidnappings, gender-targeted hate and crimes, terrorist support and activities, human rights violations, corruption, military abuses and an extremely high number of cases of rape perpetrated by one's soldiers, etc, and I skip and omit some for brevity.... well, India has a well-known and very established bad rep for all those when contrasted against Canada, so, please mind your empty accusations and act like a responsible government. Thank you.

And unlike you, New Delhi, Canadians won't have to lie or coerce MPs to do their lying for them; we don't even have to lie to highlight twenty times the despicable behaviour and scandals that plague New Delhi and India. Please keep that in mind.

It's totally shameful to see that Liberal MP Chandra Arya must have been pressured by New Delhi in order to suddenly feel a need to voice how frightened he is living in scary anti-Hindu Canada, oh my! Gimme a break. Truly pathetic, and sinking lower everyday.

MP Arya's sudden complaint: He doesn't come across as too smart or mindful of anti-Hindu activities then, if that's what he honestly believes, as he's made plenty of comments that suggest the complete opposite, especially while raising that Hindu flag or sponsoring the human and civil rights e-4395 petition. Look it up!

Arya should be careful as Canadians will bite back in reaction to that kind of false allegation, and it won't take long to vote him out unless he runs on more lies... which will catch up to him in way worse ways. I suspect he's been here long enough to know full well that he's not only shamelessly lying—no stats support it; individual cases don't demonstrate a trend or wide spread issue, far from—and that one, simply, just doesn't screw around with core Canadian values, including honesty, or act in any manner that seeks to undermine them.

Methinks New Delhi should be better informed first, and they and Canadians like MP Arya shouldn't assume that Canadian citizens are stupid and gullible, while equally realising that these types of lies tend to generate animosity against those that play such sick, pathetic, and depraved games.

Most pathetic governmental reaction and attempt to hide one's complicity I've ever seen, I guess. Truly sad. Only a sick mind can see this as a justified and intelligent path.

And claiming Hinduphobia for any anger he may generate after making false claims, there's how Hindus give Hindus a real bad rep.

Be smart, and act like it.

Too Proud or Full-On Guilty

Is New Delhi too proud to simply offer its collaboration... Raise your hand if you think the Modi government is desperately trying to hide something.

Does our good friend, Minister of External Affairs, Dr Subrahmanyam Jaishankar know? Seems to me like he's a complicit player in efforts to dissimulate a killing... that's what their actions lead me to naturally conclude. You?

Serious stuff. Tut-tut.

That India prefers to have this fight now, at this point in history, rather than simply offer its cooperation, which US President Joe Biden agrees is the correct and expected thing to do, then this sends a clear signal that Modi himself doesn't prescribe to, and therefore, doesn't believe, anything stated in that G20 declaration. Please rip it up, people, it's clearly all garbage.

Gardens & JunglesFeral dogs in Modern India

By the way, speaking of a "new" and modern country, is Modi aware that feral dogs—when it's not monkeys attacking—are dragging away citizens and feeding on them. 

I thought I read somewhere that Karnataka was one of the most modern and advanced states in India.

Like many terms that New Delhi throws around, I don't think it's aware of their actual definitions nor using them properly. 

The feral dogs, that was reported on the ultra-biased and rarely-informative propaganda outlet India Today in the days just preceding India's highest stock trades.

Seems to me like the Modi Mob has a few issues relating to "prioritizing". I mean, besides all the well-documented corruption and hate crimes, hate-filled crimes, hate speech, and more hate-related crimes to hide corruption and some more of that hate speech followed by a hate crime that precedes the hate show, this often devolving into hate crime... That covers just a small portion of the "hate" stuff, but there's all the other criminal activities, too.

And didn't Modi kill a whack of people by setting a train on fire, I'm sure I saw something about that on the BBC.

If New Delhi continues to spread lies about Canada, seeking to escalate into a full diplomatic war what was no more than a simple request, the type that all allies expect each other to respect, then, I'll focus on documented truths as well as the inarguable and provable stuff.

Modi has constantly harassed Canada and Canadians, accusing us of things it can't substantiate just to bully us into handing over people based on claims it has also failed to substantiate.

Modi wants Canada to hand over anyone it labels a terrorist but it has consistently failed to provide any substantiating proof that would justify its extradition requests.

India has a recorded history of violence and persecutions committed against its Sikh community.India - major propagandists

Proving itself to be veritably petty and dishonest as well as being unwilling to be held accountable for any of its bad decisions and worse actions, New Delhi has preferred to launch a diplomatic war against Canada rather than do the very obvious, simple, and expected thing: cooperate with a criminal investigation.

Refusing to cooperate, that's a real bad sign.

Grow up.

Most agree: People behaving the way the Modi government behaves, that usually establishes a clear culpability.

Innocent people usually want such matters resolved, especially if Indian officials actually believe all that's promoted by the Modi government, never mind that India's internal affairs reflect none of the grand and flowery rhetoric PM Modi likes to throw around—what many call clear BS—the reality being one that's sure to frighten any sane investor.

What's seen, a country that plays such games, nothing there that suggest good moral intent or that India plays straight and fair with its "partners"; we all know how inconsistent, lying, and, seemingly, clearly fascist governments can't be trusted  when it comes to regulatory matters.

This, I can't think of any action that's sure to damage India's trust than what it's doing in handling this matter diplomatically and respectfully. The Canadian government simply asked for New Delhi's cooperation; New Delhi decided to spread lies and play the child, but still refuses to provide any proof of criminal activity that would have justified any extradition, for all and any Sikh in support of the Khalistan movement that exists; I'll do my part to save them from New Delhi's constant and deadly oppression.

Let's be clear about this—it's about hate and pettiness—and it targets all Sikhs.


I didn't go where I had planned. I kept it short and light and focused on superficial and surface stuff. If New Delhi wants to keep being the child and spreading clear lies about Canada rather than cooperate, fine, no prob, I'll play along. But each time I'll get nastier and go deeper, and, wowee! Boy, does New Delhi have plenty to wanna hide!

Oh, I know, I should put together a "To Know Before Investing" info pack.

I know our affairs; for whatever you can find, I'll top it ten times if not more, sick bloodbaths, disgusting deceit, and all. Try me. You got plenty more to lose.

So, seeing what it is that's being linked to the Modi government: Should you wanna come take me out, lemme know, I'll give you the address.


