2020's Notable Baddies - PDL's Shitlist

CNN Wolf Pelosi Stimulus 2 v2

Posted: Jan 3, 2021   4:36:00 PM   | by Pascal-Denis Lussier

Featured image: Screenshot - CNN - Democratic House Leader Nancy Pelosi (not on the left) with CNN Host Wolf Blitzer (not on the left if one's back is to the screen); Blitzer s at the edge of, but not quite on the 2020 list.
Note: I believe Rep. Pelosi was putting that Darth Vader death grip on Blitzer, but she could be aiming for some out-of-shot peasants

I kinda wanna say that the entire year and a big chunk of those who lived it probably deserve to be on such a list, but I doubt any good can come from that. If anything, I blame mainstream media (MSM) above all else, both for their very real share of responsibilities in making 2020 such an unnecessarily hostile and confusing year marked by media celebrities' petty and personal opinions and for their passionate participation towards a manufactured hatred that betrays the Establishment's utter wanton spirit.

One of the most striking things to happen in 2020 was how the MSM collectively dropped all and any pretence of objectivity, engaging in a very open and vicious information war against all of America. Because you agreed with, or found satisfaction in, their deceit and the false narrative they've been beating into our heads for the past 4+ years does not make you any less of a victim.

It took some digging for me to accept that professionalism and ethics were concepts that no longer held any place in mainstream media's account of events and facts. The more raw the information, the more subterranean its source, and the more I learned, the more I felt thrown into the predictable plot of a Robert Ludlum novel, one with the international gravitas worthy of a Frederick Forsyth thriller but written in crayons in the style of a not-fit-for-print Harlequin Romance novel. It was all very surreal, but not in a good and minimalistic Kurt Vonnegutian way.  

I'll never forget the indescribable swirl of anger and despair and panic, and the profound doubt, all punctuated by the isolation imposed by COVID.  Disgust and disappointment. Deep. Very deep D&D. And while they've been mouthing off about Trump's "baseless" fraud allegations even before knowing of, or examining, any evidence, establishes their complicity in what can only be perceived as election fraud, for no one is able to express a true choice when guided by untruths. The MSM was full of it! And I can't help but see many of their actions as criminal. 

The media lies, we've all known that. But what we experienced was beyond any reasonable excuse. Their singular focus and conclusions—no matter what physical reality and all our senses conveyed—and their strategies, all aimed to achieve nothing more than further the divide between citizens through the exact same modes it totally ridiculed and spat on if not within the bounds of their ideological thinking, and did it in a far more amplified manner that pushed many into a no-man's-land between condoned violent viciousness and a viciously vilified opposition to the former. It's not a pretty scene. And it's a batshit loony one! That, I am certain of. Image not found

One of the things that made a humongous dent in the impression that 2020 has made on me, is that NPR post. So much to say about that; I could write a book on its significance. Still can't wrap my brain around what the hell they were thinking.   

With that, here's my wholehearted "FUCK YOU, MSM!" And don't any of you dare call what you do journalism. You were happier using COVID to shit on Trump than to be a positive information source throughout the pandemic, happier to call anyone who mentioned China a xenophobe rather than get to the bottom of China's role in all of this, ethical implications, etc. So much there that'd do the country more good than your 4+ years of baseless venom and spins and all the conspiracy theories you loved to gorge yourself on to feed that sick, twisted Trump hate. More segments on mental health would do you all the greatest good.

Fascism. Authoritarianism. Early control over all communications has always been the distinctive element leading to the success of such ideologically-driven entities. 2020. A great big blunder or signs that we have much to fear?  

Not a complete list since a spectrum of sorts should be applied across the landscape of outlets, but these entities can now claim "good morning" and you can bet your arse I'll be looking at my watch and consulting astral charts to determine our orbital position before taking any of that as an accurate greeting.

The Independent
New York Times
Washington Post
The Young Turks
The Damage Report
Detroit Metro Times (singling out this smaller outlet as with each visit,  I'm always struck by its disturbingly toxic nature)  



Second-Class Villains  


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Don & the Fax-Texter Dweeb (I think his bio says "fact-checker," but that can't be right). 

They're on CNN. I'm OK with Lemon, I just find listening to him a complete and utter waste of time. 
Ditto for the fat-charmer. He had a goal, and it had little to do with fair and truthful fact checking that accounted for personal idioms or with clarification.

This is all they get. They never last more than a few seconds on my screen whenever either appear in a segment or video; I'd rather listen to mating cats then these two.

That club also includes Joe Scarborough and Keith Oblerman. So not worth anyone's time. 


Anthony “The Mooch” ScaramucciImage not found

I already voiced my two-cents on him in, "Milking Cream Out Of Crap," and though he's a real minor figure in this drama, there's just something about him... Given his ten days in office back in 2017 and all the shit he stirred, for him to resurface in 2020 just to bare his sleazy pettiness across the Leftist MSM circuit was something all could have avoided. Now that the elections are over, was I correct in saying no one now give's a shit about anything he has to say or does?

Most of all, he's mentioned here because, in my mind, at least, with his mafioso vibe and hedge fund background down to his viciously grudging attitude, he's an emblematic figure for a whole segment of what I truly qualify as the political deplorables, the Lincoln Project gang, notably Steve Schmidt, also fitting under here.


Jenny Durkan - Seattle Mayor (since 7-Nov-2017)

Something funny about the way she allowed her city to turn into one big social experiment. If I didn't know better, and I sure as hell don't, then I'd be tempted to say: self-destruction. Something funny about it also being the city of Bezos and Gates, two really, really rich dudes, I believe. I betcha they've given a thought or two about what cities should look like from here forward...?

She allowed for excess force to be used on peaceful protesters, just to expedite things with a cherry on top. 

In between whatever we can dream up and whatever can be confirmed, one city has accelerated suffering amongst its citizens, then amplified it, like no other.   But, at least, she recently announced that she will not be seeking reelection. Probably a good thing with all those indictments?


Rachel Maddow - MSNBC

How many times did she get caught lying in 2020? Like, make up entire stories type of lies? Just seeing her face now, all I see is her smug hypocrisy. I wouldn't even trust her to give me an honest list of options if she were to become a waitress in a burger joint with just three items on the menu.


Top-Tier A-Holes - Looking Into a Dark Abyss



I'm aware that many are merely bending to the sadistic and obsessed whims and demands of the head honcho, while others seem to have found their swamp. Brianna Keilar (she gets a special mention) is one. Kaitlan Collins, I noticed, is turning into the self-important-but-useless, whiny ignoramus that's the hallmark of success for quite a few who are at CNN. See video below.

I mean, 1-Oct-2020, and still playing up the "denounce" crap?! How idioticallyDuck-faced whiner clueless can one be?  Four years of that shit and countless denouncements later and she's still on that line and can't take the "stand by" joke for what it was?! Fucking incompetent, either because she's that clueless (all she says is wrong) or because she's just being a typical CNN misnomer. Journalists, please!

But rather than seeing their stupidity, CNN proves to us that it can weave hate out of anything! Meanwhile, important events are happening around the globe...

Adding hypocrisy to hypocrites: Collins once did for Daily Caller, and interviewed on Fox, a piece on George Soros' investments and his manipulation through media. Golly! But it can't be true now. CNN said so! 

Love how the CNN hosts invariably roll their eyes and smugify themselves a notch or two before looking down on a major chunk of America and vomit their condescendingly pedantic arrogance to weave their absurd and hate-filled reality. No redundancy there, I assure you.


Jake Tapper - CNN

Frankly, he shouldn't be on this list; once was, he was a solid journalist. Over the last few years, sadly, he's turned into a sad mess of lies and hypocrisy. However, I'm often left feeling that it's a role he's pressured into, and I don't think he'd step over ethical lines and focus on such trivial partisan hate-mongering to bend to Stelter's warped anti-Trump obsessions unless there were a much firmer weight over and above that's pushing down on him. He's aged quite a bit in the last two years and I can't recall him smiling; his sharp moral disdain has been replaced by a bitter anger; and I don't buy that it's Trump's fault for that, too. All that Muslim-baiting behaviour and other crap predates him, so...Image not found

His hypocrisy in the last year is a bit too much to bear, though. After all his name calling and insults towards Trump, his family, and anyone who dared vote for him, to play the 'I'm sensitive and it saddens me so, poor Biden' and the 'gotta protect the children; we love our children, unlike Trump' cards in relations to the Hunter Biden affair, refusing to even show the public any news or footage that he finds morally disgusting, kinda make him a "disgusting lunatic", words he normally reserves for non-Biden supporters. I could appreciate a strong moral stance, except that, these past years, his career has been all about contradicting himself in so many key ways, that I'd think it well deserved if someone were to slap him silly each time he tried to talk about morals and ethics.

I'll spare him, but here's a site that doesn't. 


Brianna Keilar - CNN Snoot

All snoot and snootiness with some pomposity and a hint of conceit. This video sums up her interviewing skills, which are all about her, snootiness, and snooty harassment; she’s got an agenda to push, so shut up and listen to me when I ask you questions! Snoot, snoot!



So many examples that reveal what a snooty and worthless, disdain-powered, The View-all-in-one-wannabe shell of snooty pretend-reporter she is, but this segment perfectly captures her essence, i.e., stink. And snootiness. That face. If snooty disdain needed a picture. 

Always hostile with anyone that doesn't help push her pre-established and snooty agenda, playing "gotcha" games and blocking the conversation should it show the Democrats in a bad light in any way. Perfect example here, when Peter Navarro attempts to point to the stockpile issues that carried over from the Obama administration, when she starts whining "why are you wasting your time talking to me" a bit after saying that CNN had asked him on to discuss the supply chain. 

She can shriek, but China was a bit of a problem because the US—like most—now depends on them for nearly anything that's manufactured. Then there's the lab issue, but mentioning it has CNN and their MSM pals breaking in hives, and babbling "conspiracy theory" before screeching like pod-people . There's a backstory and context and trying to tell her the entire size of the problem is what, it seems to me, he was trying to do; CNN isn't educating anyone on any of that, just Trump-hating moaning.

Saying, "We all got dealt a bad hand by China," isn't "going off the rails and into conspiracy theory land," as one commented (on CNN's channel). Lots of fishy things there, and they did withhold important information, but he can't comment, yet she bites back that facts don't scare her; what was that!? The lack of respect and, consequently, professionalism, is astounding. Playing out the news like a cheap reality-TV show, snappy snoot pandering to the exact same kind of tribal mindset she constantly bitches about, yet groans and growls for cheers, and believes she scores points with unprovoked insults and  by hindering responses, not extracting information. Nor sharing worthwhile info. In short, she embodies the why CNN must go!

Navarro's little speech at the end is dead on, and she retorts to his very kind and cogent request for cooperation with a snooty, "you're wasting our time," then, if I recall, in the original broadcast—if not this one, another; that's pretty much her formula—she had plenty of time to do a monologue that viciously (and snootily) attacked the Trump administration.  

She's spent all of 2020 complaining about, and breeding empty hostility towards, anything Trump, drumming up fluff and twisting info to stir hate; in no way did she contribute positively towards disseminating important and non-politized information about COVID, possible voting fraud, etc., just snooty hate, and establishing for all that she, and, no doubt, CNN, thought "working together" was a waste of time. Snoot, snoot!

I can't stand her. 


Chris Cuomo - CNN

I really don’t know how to talk about this petty, self-obsessed a-hole and remain polite, but I will say he’s a pro-level hypocrite and a big proponent, and top member, of the “Do as I say, not as I do” crowd. He’s the jerk who’s constantly reprimanding Republicans for breathing and occasionally smiling while there’s a pandemic but forgets that he’s on video with a huge novelty Q-tip, having a good laugh with his New York governor brother, Andrew Cuomo, not too long after his COVID measures nearly wiped out the senior-citizenry in New York. 

All ego and spit and zero journalistic worth. Big nada! He’s constantly using CNN for virtue signaling and rarely to pass on news—his ‘fiery messages’ are ignorant rants to push the MSM-approved narrative, like the one against Dr. Atlas, which was all insults and no value, as he disregarded context and meaningful comparatives and that Atlas’ message was in response to Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s let’s-shut-the-state-for-a-year-or-more draconian measures (she’s the one the anti-Trumpers tried to kidnap because of her crazy measures) or that ALL THE SCIENTIFIC DATA AND RECOMMENDATIONS ACTUALLY GO AGAINST what Whitmer is doing. Do I think it was irresponsible of Atlas to make his “rise up” message? Yes, in a Tweet, no through proper channels and means that frames proper measures within proper reason; Whitmer is killing her state and will be responsible for more deaths while all she’s doing is making her citizens boil.  Plenty of countries and their stats to contradict Herr Dickhead—sorry, I warned you—but, keeping it local:  Governor Kristi Noem’s state is booming economically and her stats are better than Chris Cuomo’s brother’s state (or states with similar population density).

And to see Cuomo flip out when Atlas argued that people were starting to go mental and needed to see family, pleading, 'for many, this will be their last chance to have a Christmas with their loved ones..." Wow. What a show. That man does love attention. That's the exact same reason his governor brother gave when he got caught with plans to see his mother and family over Thanksgiving (which he cancelled following public anger). 

Not sure there's a bigger hypocritical a-hole out there who people are forced to depend on for their welfare, but, considering that his brother is older and I think Chris may weigh more, though I think he's the shorter of the two... there, now that I've put in about twice the brain power of a Cuomo-like CNN storyteller in order to reach my conclusion...      

This guy is always reacting, never dissecting; he’s a lowly Establishment go-fer who loves to play the actor. You gotta love him, though, for that 'meltdown' he had on his radio show... but it only proves my point. And he seems far too happy when he's playing the shill role on screen; you can't fake that level of devotion.   


Chris Cuomo hates CNN


Here he is (below) in a “love me, I need attention” rant that’s only meant to boost Trump hate and not pass on any info; if you had the details about the stimulus package, I’m sure you’d tell Fabulous Fibs to remove his head so he can stick a suppository in there instead. Put that whole rant in the mouth of a 16-year-old and you got something more appropriate.   

He thinks all info should be filtered for the public through self-stroking reporters like him.

I so hate this man. Hope you couldn’t tell; I pride myself on being objective?



Mitch McConnell

In the last few months, he’s done much to earn it through all sorts of shenanigans and questionable acts that make one wonder if he’s not operating per some back deal with Establishment Democrats. Mitch McConnell

But it’s his refusal to budge on the new and far-more-reasonable $2000 direct payment amount when Pelosi flipped the card, and it was already way behind deadline and late to meet people’s pressing needs—during Christmas to boot—that assured his place right next to Pelosi.

No one clip of him to highlight why he’s on my list, it’s a continued series of acts, comments, and events that justify serious consideration for term limits and any arguments for the introduction of means to test the moral character of anyone planning to be a politician.


Nancy Pelosi

Wolf Blitzer surprised me; he forced her to reveal much in that vid, below. But we should listen, for only she and a handful of rich folks understand the suffering of the peasantry. Even better than the peasants themselves, mind you.

What had struck me at the time: There were no vaccines and Pelosi didn’t even believe one was possible, scoffed at Trump’s promise, yet she veers into platitudes about needing money to plan for proper vaccine distribution, etc. Much of that could have been slated in additional COVID aid, which is what is suddenly plannable once Biden takes office?!

But she did it for you, and she wants it to be retroactive, so don’t worry, you’ll someday get a chance to catch up on eating.

Take her word for it, trust that the Democrats have a scientifically-calculated budget because they just want money for humanitarian needs whereas Republicans want to crush their dream to give everything to corporations. Yet Wall Street, Big Tech, and Big Corps are nearly all backing the Democrats? She’s so full of it!

The big problem with her blah-blah is that Trump stated very clearly that he was open to a stand-alone bill to get money to the people asap and a separate bill just for airlines and small business. She made no attempts to accommodate Americans through such a path.

Further, around the same time as that interview, she did another with Blitz who pressed her for more details on what was in the bill and which points are stalling negotiations, to which she answered that to know what’s in the bill will require that the bill be approved.

She refused to budge on anything and didn’t care; with Trump in the picture, she knows she can get away with murder just by pointing a finger his way.  And does she honestly expect anyone to believe that CNN is “an apologist for the Republican position.”
A real _itch!



Brian Stelter – CNN Chief Propagandist

Despicable little man. Why wouldn't I be surprised to learn that his nickname throughout high-school and college were Brain Smelter, the Gerbilling Weasel? 

He should not be allowed near any broadcasting entity, means or tool. He should only be allowed rotary phones, with the possibility of upgrading to a flip phone after exhibiting five consecutive years of non-psychotic and organisation-destroying behaviour. 

Just to piss him off, I'm not going to include a video or give him any more space on my media!  


The Mainstream Media

No ethics. Fuck the facts! Hate, hate, hate!

I can’t see how the MSM can ever redeem themselves.  


The Deep State

It exists. We’ve had all the proof anyone should ever need. BUT, in my opinion, staying inside the lines of what we can establish based on evidence and events that concretise its existence, it’s a far more grounded entity expressed as a far more abstract force that bears little resemblance with SPECTRE or QAnon’s version or even Trump’s.

It has more to do with men, who are given too much power and too much money and afforded too much privacy to do as they please, having received too much training to think a certain way, all of it real beneficial to the military industrial complex, for which passing a $740 billion Defense bill was more important than the COVID relief one.

If “Deep State” sounds too conspiratorially theoretical, what do you call the US Defense officials, like James Jeffrey, who admitted that he and other officials had routinely lied about troop withdrawals to President Trump, misleading him into false scenarios in regard to events and American interests in regions like Syria and Afghanistan?  

Jim Jeffries. Deep State man.

In the fog of Deep State. Reality always disappoints.


Yesterday's Unpatriotic Monsters Who Are Calling For Unity Today And Recounts Unpatriotic (but Russiagate Patriotic)

(A.K.A. Patriotic-when-it-suits-me, super-duper-hypocritical biggest a-holes possible) 

If the consequences weren't so tragic, and their rhetoric so violent, I'd be pissing my pants laughing at the leftist lunacy that's been on display for some time.

Far too much to be said on this segment. But I'll just provide this Tweet (so not impressed, John), as it speaks layers of volumes, and leave it at that for now.

John Cusack is very Trump Deranged



